
WebPhonon Update

Based on some input from the members of the Jupiter Broadcasting chat group I have added new Database drivers for the Media library. WebPhonon now supports MySQL, SQLite and PostgreSQL databases and has template schemas for all of them. The importing process is still manual and requires some DBA know-how.

MySQL: This is still the default configuration and the SQL dump file is present in the share/WebPhonon/db folder on linux and in the bin folder on windows. Importing the blank database requires either familiarity with tools like phpMyAdmin or MySQL Workbench to import the SQL file as a new Database.

SQLite: This is probably the easiest to use but is not the default yet.

PostgreSQL: This is again a little daunting for new users however people familiar with PostgreSQL administration tools can easily import the WebPhonon.sql file.

ODBC: This has not really been tested but should work on windows as long as you know how to create an ODBC data source. You will need to substitute the hostname with the data source name and the rest should be OK

Although the MySQL and PostgreSQL dump files both have the same extension they are NOT interchangeable with each other. Trying to import the MySQL dump file (DB.sql) into PostgreSQL will cause PostgreSQL to complain and will need LOTS of modifying.